Digital Civility Principles

What is Digital Civility?

Digital Civility starts with understanding that we each have an individual responsibility to protect the freedoms that the Internet offers by recognizing not only how our own actions can affect others – but also how we can inspire, educate, support and empower the people we connect with online.

Why is Digital Civility so important?

The Internet is at a crucial point in its evolution. What began as a ground-breaking way of connecting everybody is instead in danger of becoming an engine for inequity and division.

Antara Foundation aims to create awareness on ‘digital civility’ – a plea to people around the world to treat each other with respect online. Antara Foundation has a long-standing commitment to online safety and urged Internet users to obey Digital Civility. With the goal to raise awareness about the need for “digital civility” and to pledge to every day live up to the four Digital Civility Principles.

Four principles of digital civility

1. Living the “golden rule”: Act with empathy, compassion, and kindness in every interaction, and treat everyone online with dignity and respect.
2. Respecting differences: Appreciate cultural differences and honor diverse perspectives, engaging thoughtfully and avoiding name-calling and personal attacks.
3. Pausing before replying: Pause and think before responding, and do not post or send anything that could hurt someone else, damage someone’s reputation, or threaten safety.
4. Standing up for yourself and others: Tell someone when feeling unsafe, offer support to those who are targets of online abuse or cruelty, and report activity that threatens safety.

Investing in digital citizenship education is investing in the future. By equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge, we empower them to become responsible, safe, and critical participants in the digital world.

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Digital civility
Digital civility

Digital Civility Principles

What is Digital Civility?

Digital Civility starts with understanding that we each have an individual responsibility to protect the freedoms that the Internet offers by recognizing not only how our own actions can affect others – but also how we can inspire, educate, support and empower the people we connect with online.

Why is Digital Civility so important?

The Internet is at a crucial point in its evolution. What began as a ground-breaking way of connecting everybody is instead in danger of becoming an engine for inequity and division.

Antara Foundation aims to create awareness on ‘digital civility’ – a plea to people around the world to treat each other with respect online. Antara Foundation has a long-standing commitment to online safety and urged Internet users to obey Digital Civility. With the goal to raise awareness about the need for “digital civility” and to pledge to every day live up to the four Digital Civility Principles.

Four principles of digital civility

1. Living the “golden rule”: Act with empathy, compassion, and kindness in every interaction, and treat everyone online with dignity and respect.
2. Respecting differences: Appreciate cultural differences and honor diverse perspectives, engaging thoughtfully and avoiding name-calling and personal attacks.
3. Pausing before replying: Pause and think before responding, and do not post or send anything that could hurt someone else, damage someone’s reputation, or threaten safety.
4. Standing up for yourself and others: Tell someone when feeling unsafe, offer support to those who are targets of online abuse or cruelty, and report activity that threatens safety.

Investing in digital citizenship education is investing in the future. By equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge, we empower them to become responsible, safe, and critical participants in the digital world.

Enquiry Form

Digital civility
Digital civility